How To Maintain Color Longevity

One of the FAQs that we get the most is about how to maintain the dye jobs that we do for our clients. Colors naturally fade over time, so retaining that dye and making sure your hair stays the color it is supposed to be are critically important factors when deciding whether or not to add color to your hair, or what color to add.

First and foremost we recommend 24 hours before shampooing your hair after it is dyed, to let it set in–and when you do wash it, make sure it is at cooler temperatures, not scolding hot. Once you start your new haircare routine, make sure you do not shampoo and condition every single day, as this will strip your hair of oils and color. Try your best to stay away from heat altogether as well, including blow drying and straightening. We know that this is impossible at times, so it is more about limiting the number of times you do these two applications.

When you come to a Heavy Metal Hair Salon, feel free to ask your stylist any questions or concerns you might have over the longevity of a potential dye and they will be able to answer for you, as everyone here is professionally trained and has a bevy of experience.

If you would like to book an appointment for a custom dye, book here or give us a call at 215-467-1757.


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