Swarovski Gem (round) - $40 + $10 add-ons

Swarovski Gem Shape - $50 + $15 add-ons

Opal Charm - $60

Swarovski Design 1-2 Teeth $120+

Swarovski Outline - $100

Disco Tooth - $130

18kt Yellow + White Gold Charm- $130

*Prices are subject to change. Gems/Charms can ONLY be added to natural surface of tooth. Deposit required for any jewelry custom ordered. All gems have one month warranty.


1. What is a tooth gem?
A tooth gem is a small, decorative crystal or jewel that is applied to the surface of a tooth, enhancing your smile with a touch of sparkle.
2. How long do tooth gems last?
Tooth gems are a temporary cosmetic enhancement and can last anywhere from a couple of months to a year or even longer with proper care.
3. Are tooth gems safe?
Yes, tooth gems are generally safe when applied by a professional. The adhesive used is non-toxic and specifically designed for dental applications.
4. Can tooth gems cause damage to the tooth enamel?
No, when applied properly, tooth gems should not damage the enamel. The gems are carefully bonded to the tooth surface without causing any harm.
5. Is the application process painful?
The application process is painless and non-invasive. It involves cleaning the tooth surface, applying a safe dental adhesive, and carefully placing the gem.
6. Can I eat or drink normally with a tooth gem?
Yes, you can eat and drink normally with a tooth gem. However, it is recommended to avoid consuming excessively hard or sticky foods that could potentially dislodge the gem.
7. How do I take care of my tooth gem?
Taking care of a tooth gem is simple. Just maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth regularly and gently around the gem. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste or harsh mouthwashes.
8. Can tooth gems be removed?
Yes, tooth gems can be easily removed by a professional. They can either be carefully lifted off or dissolved using a special dental solution.
9. Can I get a tooth gem if I have braces?
It is not recommended to get a tooth gem if you have braces. The gem could hinder proper oral care and potentially damage the braces or the orthodontic treatment.
10. Are tooth gems reversible?
Yes, tooth gems are reversible. If you decide to remove the gem, your tooth will be left in its original state, without any lasting marks or damage.
Remember, at Heavy Metal Hair Salon, our trained professionals are here to assist you with any further questions or concerns you may have regarding tooth gems. Enhance your smile and express your style with our exquisite range of tooth gems!


Congratulations on your new tooth gem! At Heavy Metal Hair Salon, we pride ourselves on providing the most cutting-edge and unique services for our clients. We understand that you want to ensure your tooth gem stays bright and beautiful, which is why we've put together this comprehensive guide to tooth gem aftercare.
1. Avoid Excessive Pressure: Your tooth gem is a delicate addition to your smile, so it's important to be mindful of how you treat it. Avoid biting down on hard objects, such as ice, pens, or fingernails, as this can apply unnecessary pressure and potentially dislodge the gem.
2. Be Gentle: While brushing your teeth is necessary for good oral hygiene, it's crucial to be careful around your gem. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle circular motions to clean the area, taking care not to brush directly over the gem to prevent any accidental shifting or removal.
3. Floss with Care: Flossing is a vital part of any oral care routine. To ensure the longevity of your tooth gem, it's recommended to floss carefully, avoiding excessive force around the gem. If you notice any flossing difficulty, consider using a floss threader or dental pick to maneuver around your gem gently.
4. Avoid Abrasive Substances: Certain substances and habits can cause damage to your tooth gem. Avoid consuming highly acidic or staining foods and beverages such as coffee, red wine, and citrus fruits, as they can potentially corrode the surface of the gem.
5. Regular Dental Check-ups: Maintaining a healthy smile is crucial, and regular dental check-ups are essential for that. During your routine dental visits, be sure to inform your dentist about your tooth gem. They will examine it to ensure that it remains secure and undamaged. They may also recommend additional care tips based on your unique dental needs.
6. Professional Cleaning: To keep your tooth gem shining bright, consider opting for professional cleaning at least twice a year. A professional cleaning can eliminate any built-up stains or plaque, ensuring your gem remains beautiful and brilliantly displayed.
7. Avoid DIY Removal: Should you ever wish to remove the tooth gem, the safest option is to seek professional assistance. Trying to remove it yourself may cause damage to your tooth enamel or surrounding teeth, and attempting to reapply it without proper knowledge can lead to complications.

We have a wide variety of gems/gold charms, but if you were looking for something specific, please reach out ahead of time to ensure we have exactly what you’re looking for!

*Online booking available*

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